Thank you everyone for your lovely comments, I can't wait to be able to set it up again. Should be more owls too next time - they keep arriving with the post!
I have scoured ebay for the 'hogwarts uniform' figure and own about three, but how did you do those grey jumpers and where did you get the one Hermione is wearing? Great work on Hagrid to, as he is always a challenge - love your thinking!
Thank you Linda, I was hoping to be able to order the coach driver from ds but he wasn't available so in the end I found all the spare klickies I could with black legs (that's why the number of students was limited this time, but I'm working on more for Knaresborough) took them apart and sprayed the arms and torsos with grey paint - I ended up using primer as I wanted a matt paint and this was the only one I could get locally. I then painted on a white v for the shirt and marked on the collar and tie and stripes around the neck of the sweater with permanent markers. (At least I was sold them as permanent but as you can see in this photo I think it is starting to come off so I will try and paint them with a very fine brush for next time.)
Hermione's top was just a spare lady's torso I had that I painted in the same way.
I was running out of time so used a custom painted tartan skirt I already had for McGonagall but think I will change it to a green tartan one.
Hope this helps,