I know this is an old thread, but I thought I'd offer my thoughts on these new redcoats.
I ordered and received a number of them from DS and I like them a lot, except that the stomach area looks quite bare. A waist belt would help this, but I don't have enough black ones to make this happen. It's a shame Playmobil didn't print a vest on them like they did with their French soldiers, as this would have made them perfect, in my opinion. I've been experimenting with them and have come to the conclusion that the old white cross belts obscure too much of the lovely facing printing, so I'm sticking with the white sword belts that came with them. I haven't decided if I'll put swords or bayonets in them. I've decided to customize them with black collars, as this looks better, in my opinion, and is more historically accurate. As for the color of these klickies, I'm glad to see that they're a true red, as opposed to the faint red that the old redcoats were. Now I have no use for my old redcoats. Would anyone want to buy or trade for them?