I found more pics of Lobo's "Umgebaute" ("converted, customized") Pirateship:
I can't seem to find the same one Hadoque posted, so that must mean there are more than what I found. I wish I could get a better look at the focastle and the main deck. In the german forum he mentions he plans to make the sails able to be removed and exchanged for furled versions, depending on which sails the captain wants set or doused, and he has yet to add more rigging and longboats and swivel cannons. I can't wait to see more pics.
Oh, and I was in Toys R Us just yesterday and found this non-playmobil ship which I believe Lobo used to customize his 4290:
I was thinking about buying it actually, and I knew I recognized parts of it before (in Lobo's) but I just didn't know where exactly until I really looked at his pics
. I find it interesting how he chopped off the stern of the donor pirate ship and added it to become a prominent fo'castle at the bow of the ship. My current knowledge of ships currently makes me unaware of any ship that had a higher fo'castle than stern castle. And I love how he extended the stern with extra 4290 stern gallery parts so that it hangs over the rudder (and then he transplanted the donor ship's rudder over the playmobil one. It's VERY interesting! Historically, some pirates (including BlackBeard) really did take conventional ships and would customize them beyond normal specs. The real BlackBeard chopped OFF the fo'castle so he could install bow cannons, and then he built a dutch-style grand stern castle atop the low-profile one (so he'd have nice grande captain's quarters to enjoy all his booty in I suppose). I am now interested to look up any records of highly-modified pirate ships in real history. I find these oddball ships quite intriguing!