Author Topic: "New 5135 Pirates' Ship": hull & decks review and comparison with 3940/3286  (Read 15337 times)

Offline BlackPearl2006

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hmmmm.... i noticed, unmodified, the 3940 is most stable in water when:

1. there are no cannons aboard
2. you remove the gundeck/captain's quarters to save on top-heavy plastic
3. you seal the foredeck, cargo hold, and gunports to prevent from taking on water and capsizing.

Seems the 5135 covers all those stability issues by remoulding the appropriate pieces accordingly (while I've had to do it manually on my ships).

Anyone want to trade their 5135 inner for my 3940 decks so you can have a real deck that can house cannons on it?

Anyone want to sell or get rid of their faux cannon inserts and/or 5135 lower hull? (or trade?)
Ahoy, Pirates, Hoist the Colours!

Offline tahra

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This means you cannot install (without modification) the fake-guns in the gunports of a 3940/3286's hull!

Bah. You read my mind, was just gonna ask that. I MUST refrain from buying more pirate ships, but as soon as I saw those fake guns I was thinking of getting some for my 3940... So, thanks for the answer - even before I asked! ;)

And thank you for the great review!

Offline Wolf Knight

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WOW WOW WOW!!! One more ship for my collection  ;D ;D ;D It really sad for the inside and the cannons though, but the colours are great!!!

Even if it is this way, and thank you very much Erwin for the detailed preview and pics and most importanlty for the comparison pics, I'd love to get a couple of them... and maybe even do what you did with the ''Black Prince'' if you dont mind?

Offline tonguello

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Erwin this was a fantastic review!
All in all I really like the ship and I will get it as soon as I can.
I really like the colors, even more than the 3940 actually, except for the red thinghies  :( but those can be change or paint, so no big deal.

 :wave: Thanx!
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Offline WarriorOfToys

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Did I miss it? Can you put the 3940 lower deck in the 5135 ship? ???

Great review! I am really excited about this ship.
It doesn't look so bad without the weird stickers...
And I like the idea of putting the rear sticker from the 3940 on instead. :)

Thanks very much for the review! :wow:
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Offline Hadoque

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I forgot to mention:

1) there is no screwdriver included in the set, in contrary like was the case with the 3940.
("Arizzo" will kill me if he reads this  :lol:  Old joke from Playmoboard-times  ;))

2) the ballast-weight to put on the underside of the hull for stabilisation when "playing" in water is no longer included. It will be available through DS as an add-on set, like the underwater-motor already is...  ::) ... (this is mentioned on the set's instructions)

Did I miss it? Can you put the 3940 lower deck in the 5135 ship?

Yep!  :yup:

Resistance is futile, you will be boarded!

Offline BlackPearl2006

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the 3490 WILL actually float without the weighted keel as long as it's free from cargo and extraneous crew.

Since the 5135 solved most of those immediate stability issues, I guess it makes sense it doesn't come with the ballast.

Question:  have you done a float test of it yet without the ballast?  please do tell!
Ahoy, Pirates, Hoist the Colours!

Offline Wesley Myers

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I forgot to mention:

1) there is no screwdriver included in the set, in contrary like was the case with the 3940.
("Arizzo" will kill me if he reads this  :lol:  Old joke from Playmoboard-times  ;))

2) the ballast-weight to put on the underside of the hull for stabilisation when "playing" in water is no longer included. It will be available through DS as an add-on set, like the underwater-motor already is...  ::) ... (this is mentioned on the set's instructions)

Yep!  :yup:

Since DS charges by the weightage (yes, it's a word - now) maybe the price being that much cheaper to buy this ship is because of the reduced weight of the box.

They (Playmobil) sure know how to cut down their costs and pass them onto the consumer in another way (ie DS ballast weight)...  :hmm: :doh: :no: :wall:

Well, I guess when you get this set you will feel like you actually encountered some real pirates...

Offline tahra

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Since DS charges by the weightage (yes, it's a word - now) maybe the price being that much cheaper to buy this ship is because of the reduced weight of the box.

Uhm.. Are you a browncoat? (sorry for the OT)

Offline playmofire

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Thank you for an excellent review and comparison, Erwin.

When you first mentioned that the mattress was moulded into the bed now I wondered if one of the old ones would fit, although the thought also occurred to me that in rough weather the klicky captain would roll out of the bunk!  Thanks for answering both questions.

Look forward to more on this ship.   :wave:
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