Hey all...
Yeah, I disappeared for a while... work/gallery openings/life/etc were keeping me from my Playmofriends
Anyway... a small selection of Playmobil have resurfaced at my local Target (Fort Lauderdale), after about 2 years of not carrying any at all... I was in a hurry, so I didn't get any numbers (and half of them were out of stock), but there was firemen/skateboarders/knights/pirates blisters, along with the garbage truck, ambulance, a rehash of a mini pirate set, a pirate ship and a ghost pirate ship. Next time I stop by I'll get all the info...
Oh, I've been working on and off on a suburban house custom... It's been wallpapered and carpeted
.... Now I just got to get my stuff together and find some time to furnish it... I might even do a little photo-story with it... as Lil' EmGee and Lil' JayBee go house-hunting.
Hope I can make it back here soon....
Bonnie... I have NOT forgotten about you... the package is sitting on my desk!