Cheng, Some options that roll off the tip of my tongue include:
1. They look like sewer clean out lids, the part you unscrew if your sewer lines are plugged. Nummy, this smells great, too, as you can imagine what is in that plugged sewer line!
2. In some grilled sandwich restaurants, they use a piece like this to hold the sandwich on the grill and brown the bread a bit, a la a panini.
3. You could also use them to cover a swim pool bottom drain...but only in the very deep end where know one will step on one and break her leg.
4. How about a bug smasher as the men in our house are quite timid when it comes to smashing big bugs inside our house. A cricket, cockroach, moth, or big ant would not know what hit him before going into a final, very deep sleep.
5. A cover to a round, heated casserole dish.
6. A lid to a smelly chamber pot.
I vote for number 5. because it smells good!!! Pgal