Author Topic: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?  (Read 2541 times)

Offline playmogal

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US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:59:45 »
Until PM DS provides customers with a direct access to their parts database, it is quite difficult to find out 1) what parts are available, 2) in what quantities and 3) at what cost.

So it seems to me that if several of us post recent orders with a summary of what we ordered and what they sent us, it could help others with their orders. I placed this order on July 19, and it arrived on August 1st, today...12 days later.

I have been struggling to find Klickies/figures that I like to populate my PM houses. US eBay has few I like, and has more. But there are still many that I cannot find anywhere. So I have attached the spreadsheet from my most recent order with this info.

The Klickies arrived today in perfect condition!!! Hope this helps others with availability and pricing info. Cheers, Pgal

ORDER SUMMARY: Modern Klickies for PM Houses
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!

Offline tonguello

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 12:02:47 »
pgal... the prices are for each figure....right?
...“But waiting can’t be bad, for plastic men, as I have learnt, are made to wait when playing's done”...
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Offline Baron Marshall

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 12:52:20 »
They never have speedo dad... and I need about 50 galley slaves...  ;)

I ordered the "Dragon Priest" from 4836 and all his accessories a few months ago, but I'll have to find the invoice.. total was like 7.90 or something.... forgot to get the scroll though. :(  I did get everything I "ordered" because he told me over the phone whether they had it or not... and how much... as I recall speedo dad was 2.10... but they didn't have any...
Someday, I will organize my stuff, I promise.

Offline playmogal

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 15:03:34 »
Baron and Tonguello,

Yes, the prices are per figure in USD. And they are reasonable considering what you have to pay IF you can find these little buggers somewhere else.

I really need about a dozen of Speedo Dad, but have been trying not to be greedy and leave some for others...and they didn't have even one in stock. I have tried about 5 times in the past 2 months. Will keep trying.

Below are photos of some of my favorite figures that arrived yesterday. The first one from the train platform is really a jewel with her gold earrings and the gorgeous skin and dress colors. Now if I could just locate her blue turban....

Cheers, Pgal :wave:

I tried entering the set numbers with each picture but they did not make the here they are:
1. 4303
2. 4310/4413
3. 4328-5010-5012/5767/4859
4. 4158/4235/3647/4344/4324

« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 15:36:44 by playmogal »
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!

Offline tonguello

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 15:05:20 »
that first one is beautiful. What set is it from??

EDIT--- found it... 4304 really cute!
...“But waiting can’t be bad, for plastic men, as I have learnt, are made to wait when playing's done”...
Check my blog:

Offline tahra

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 15:13:40 »
that first one is beautiful. What set is it from??

EDIT--- found it... 4304 really cute!
Agree! Will have to see if she's available here.

Offline Baron Marshall

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2011, 15:36:25 »
A little off topic I guess... but what I was told on the phone was that they (US DS) usually get the "replacement" parts from new sets when the next wave is released, but they do get some for people who have packing errors when they come out... so parts should be available for order in August for sets released in April, in April for those released in January, and in January for those released in August. Not sure how accurate this is as I have only ever ordered "parts" once.

The guy also said that they have had more requests for speedo dad than anything he has ever seen... and hinted that they might be getting a lot when they do come.

"50" wasn't serious, just for emphasis. Sorry if I worried anyone  :-[   ;D
Someday, I will organize my stuff, I promise.

Offline playmogal

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Re: US DS: What parts did you order and what did you get?
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 15:49:18 »
That is wonderful news. If I were PM, I would produce a gazillion Speedo Dads because all the women and gay men I know would enjoy a few. He is one handsome dude!!!
He makes me feel better just looking at him! (Please don't tell Hubby who is working at the kitchen table as I type!)
Can't wait to get more of the recent set figures as there seem to be almost none in stock.
Fingers crossed on Speedo Dad, Pgal!!!
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!