Could you take a pic to show what the "hotel"-sign looks like?
If there are 2 signs of the same shape in a set, that would be weird indeed...
Normally there are just different stickers with different languages.
I'm not 100% sure what Geobra used as french translation for the "Ratskeller"-sign, but "aux caves de l'hôtel de ville" seems accurate & likely to me.
Okay. Here are some pictures.
Here are the signs:
Here is the Rathaus I have from the Memorial Collection:
Here is a picture of the interior ceiling and how it is in this one. I am presuming it is correct (?).
I have not included the accessories in the pictures. I believe I have all of them and the figures for each house, though. When I have everything sorted I will take pictures, like I did the guardhouse.
You will notice this one is put together a bit different than the box art image. It is glued though. Yes, I can take it apart. The stuff was glued with 3 types of glue I have found. The most common is from an hot glue gun. There was the white glue for the Baron's Battle Tower and some of the pieces were glued with model glue. The model glue is pretty hard to get apart! Hot glue is pretty easy.