IDEA:3d online modelling section
SCENARIO:Members could use a 3d library of PLAYMOBIL parts and finished sets to create virtual sets (or even new parts).
WHAT GEOBRA NEEDS:It needs to create a virtual library of PLAYMOBIL parts and sets.
It needs to create or to choose (e.g. Google Sketchup - an open and free software to "manipulate" these parts.
HOW GEOBRA CAN BENEFIT:Computers are today the main entertaining tool for teenagers and young adults.
This pushes them away from "traditional" toys.
To have a strong presence in the "virtual" world will allow playmobil to "call" this group's attention back to its products.
HOW HIS CAN ME MIXED WITH OTHER IDEAS:This feature can be mixed with contests of customized sets.
It can also be mixed with an archive of sets and parts that could posess links to this section.
Finally, it can be mixed with an on-line shop of "real" parts and sets.
LEGO in its "design by me" web section - - has a free lego digital design software (MLCAD, LDraw)
Interestintly LEGO fans share their creations mixing "real" sets with "virtual" ones - Dutch MECCANO club has a VirtualMEC section that uses a library accessible with a paid software called Simulink -
HOW THE COLLECTORS CAN HELP:An adult fan - Sir Pleamo - has already created an extensive library of system-x parts using Google Sketchup.
The result can be seen at