Here is another eyebrow window.
So, is there 2 of the medieval barns with house or are there 1 of those and two of the pirate dungeons? Or 4 pirate dungeons ...
I'm suspecting two of the medieval house with barns due to the number of roof pieces and gable ends.
Five of these female end pieces. More evidence of the 3888's.
Here is the difference between the newer and older Steck pieces:
(note the hinges being moulded right to the older pieces while the newer ones have separate pieces that pop in - if the hinge broke on the old one, that door piece is "toast", this way, with the newer one, you just replace the black hinge piece and you're good to go!
On the tabs you will see the newer ones have an extra 'bump' to help them hold together better (the old ones do fall apart much too easy - which is why some of these sets were glued):
Note the height difference between the old (can I use "first version" and "second version" Steck?) and newer Steck gates:
Here they are from the back. Forgive the poor photo - Ipod again and it was getting dark out tonight when I did this.