Thanks a lot for your kind comments, everyone!
If I had a huge table I would definitely put my playmo's on there, because crouching down on the floor, trying to peer into the houses and arrange furniture, isn't as easy now as when I was 10 years old
Anyway, since there has been more bad weather over here, I put some of the advice I got from reading the forum into practice:
- I was really happy to find some felt with the exact same colour as the curtains of the Victorian mansions. I was able to remake the real curtains I lost years ago.
- I went to the garden/hardware center and I found a lot of cheap stuff to make the village look more realistic: small pebbles, sand, straw, soil, even some woolly green carpets that look like freshly mown 'playmobil' lawns.
- There was a roll of wallpaper on sale with a pattern of very small tile-like squares. It's genius
It even has some dolphins in the pattern to match my seaside theme.
- Last but not least, I found some sort of plastic 'paper', black on one side and sandy/grainy on the other side. I have no idea what people use it for in every day life because you could get it in big rolls the size of wallpaper. But it looks exactly like a beach surface. I couldn't believe it!
I'll post some new pictures in a few hours.
@ bonniebeth: Thank you so much for the info on photo bucket. I'm going to try it with the new photo's I make... hope I get it right.
@ Tiermann: I'll make some detailed pictures of the holiday house + sunporch shortly. I was a bit disappointed with the 'new' click-system though. I thought it would be easier to combine all kinds of buildings with it, but the different roofs, hights and lay-outs of each building still limit the set-up to the one on the box basically.
Anyway, I managed to throw things around a bit with the holiday house