thrust me, when you see this you'll be up and down running around george 
Wesley this is incredible!!! It looks like all the steck sets are there, and most of the knights theme!!! I hope you have a really great time with them!!!
Well, that is what it is supposed to be. All of the knights and Steck sets.
It is hard to tell from the pictures, though. They (those who inherited it from the estate) did not know how to put it together.
I can see parts from:
3652 Tournament Knights (you can see the pavillion in the far top right corner)
3654 Tournament Knights Tent
Two large barrels (so would that be DS or 3627)?!
3837 Royal Tent (that with druid (3944) and the waterfall (3896?) could the magic theme also be in there?
When you look at the pictures and see all of the red roof pieces that are not put toghether yet and still in the tubs who knows what all else is not put togethe?