thanks and hello playmogal! ..surprised seeing you here 
lucky you! I dont recall seeing anyone showing his/her PM terracotta soldiers
...but I did do a little, and making my 3rd (the ones in yellow) archer except that I cant make them kneel legs bending for me!
I havent bought any of the new skateboarder...its wasteful buying entire klickies when I cant sell the rest of their body so I have been making do with adding Asian eyebrows or moustage like a couple you see here
waiting and hoping for PM to launch an Asian theme
We, too, hope to see more Asian Clickies and sets soon. Maybe PM will introduce a terra cotta warrior set. They badly need knees that bend because my folks keep sliding out of their chairs and off the sofas to the floor. And so many archers pose with bent knee before shooting.
Exactly where do you live in Asia? My son went to NUS in Singapore for a semester and also spent three summers in China and India. He traveled to a different country most weekends he was in Singapore and saw some wonderful places.
We spent 6 weeks in China and two weeks in Korea and Japan the year before last and learned so much. Especially loved the gardens, museums and temples. Suzhou was our favorite town. There are so many cool sets PM could make with Asian themes. Let's hope that they wake up soon. Below is one of the Chinese diaramas (complete with real beetles from our backyard) hubby built along with his moving Chinese dragon kite display.
Sorry you have to paint faces on your warriors...they are pretty cool! With a new daughter in law from China, we definitely will buy any Asian PM they offer.
Cheers, Pgal