To get to this garden you have to go through 3 gates , cameras , movement detection lights etc etc, there is a rather elaborate security /alarm set up in this house !!!!
I wish i had a money press !!!! or won the euromillions !!! ..
george you hide something... cameras 3 gates ,detection lights ...simple people don't have these
No hiding ... just cautious for security thats all , alot of people do this at remote holiday houses that are not occupied all the time .. and be careful how you use the phrase ' simple people' sir as it can be very badly misunderstood
simple people i mean everyday people not rich
I am not rich , i work very hard for my living like everyone else and so does my wife and would appreciate such commentary be excluded from public posts as well they arent appropriate i am sure . Many people especially in remote places have extra security in homes that are occupied for short periods during the yeat including 'simple' people like me . Oh do grow up alex some of you posting i am sorry to say is childish and on the verge of being offensive . and dont take offensive please thats truly friendly advice
george... george...i'am joking and you take everything seriously
Back to the topic please all ( incl me ) I am in the process of designing the next set up that will include an additional 25metres of truck brining the total to about 80-85metres !!! Hopefully all this will be set in mid october and pictures / videos will be posted then . i shall be using also more trains and run two trains probably at the same time . Still need to learn a few things about LGB tracks and trains but working on it ....