Author Topic: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train  (Read 15388 times)

Offline Giorginetto

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Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:43:03 »
Hello all

The mountain in Greece where our holiday home is is called ' High Back' and stands at over 1000m altitude in the Corinthian mountain region. Construction is on its way with over 100 LGB rails ready and probably another  50 that will be purchased , plus small diameter gravel in bright white that will be purchaed to put under the LGB rails and also manual laboutr by me to ensure that surfaces are level prior to laying down the gravel and the trucks . We have various power points outside, perimeter lighting so it should be equally nice to see at day and night . I shall use the 4052 with three passenger red carriers originally, victorian era passengers and with a bit of luck i will have a 4300 train station which i still havent got, ( anyone has a complete one for sale ??) . I have already made arrangements to buy 50kg of gravel that shoudl be enough and my father will give me a hands set it all up . I have some questions perhaps experts like schluss ( from whom i bought the train ) may answer

(1) The LGB tracks are they ok to use and leave outside for a while ? do they have any rusting parts ? if it rains is that a problem for them ? are they succeprible to damage and are there any points about them outside i need to be aware of ?
(2) Is there a limit as to how many rails i plan to use and at what distance , for example if i connect over 100 trucks and at lenghts of over 8 meters straight will a single 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector be enough to keep it all going or will i need anything else or more of these ?
(3) Are the 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector  ok to use outside? can they be affected by a bit of rain ? do i have any alternatives to use that are ok with light rain and moisture ?
(4) Is the 4369 better to sue outside ?
(5) is the 4052 ok to use outside ? of course i wont leave it outsde with rain or for prolongued periods !!!
(6) The 4375 transformer i have has two set of connectors , i use one and hte lights get stronger on the 4052 as the speed goes faster . The black / white connectors on the transformer what are they used for ? for light ? do i need to connect anotehr 4372 connector and if do this what happends ? are the lights on all the time or does the train run faster or better in any way ?
(7) are tehre any other tips/points i need to be aware of ?

many thanks all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pictuires will follow of course !!!!! 
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Offline schluss

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 11:16:36 »
I have some questions perhaps experts like schluss ( from whom i bought the train ) may answer

(1) The LGB tracks are they ok to use and leave outside for a while ? do they have any rusting parts ? if it rains is that a problem for them ? are they succeprible to damage and are there any points about them outside i need to be aware of ?
(2) Is there a limit as to how many rails i plan to use and at what distance , for example if i connect over 100 trucks and at lenghts of over 8 meters straight will a single 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector be enough to keep it all going or will i need anything else or more of these ?
(3) Are the 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector  ok to use outside? can they be affected by a bit of rain ? do i have any alternatives to use that are ok with light rain and moisture ?
(4) Is the 4369 better to sue outside ?
(5) is the 4052 ok to use outside ? of course i wont leave it outsde with rain or for prolongued periods !!!
(6) The 4375 transformer i have has two set of connectors , i use one and hte lights get stronger on the 4052 as the speed goes faster . The black / white connectors on the transformer what are they used for ? for light ? do i need to connect anotehr 4372 connector and if do this what happends ? are the lights on all the time or does the train run faster or better in any way ?
(7) are tehre any other tips/points i need to be aware of ?

many thanks all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pictuires will follow of course !!!!! 

Ok, my master called me: here are some answers:
I have some questions perhaps experts like schluss ( from whom i bought the train ) may answer

(1) The LGB tracks are they ok to use and leave outside for a while ? do they have any rusting parts ? if it rains is that a problem for them ? are they succeprible to damage and are there any points about them outside i need to be aware of ?

The rails are designed to be used outside. I know several installations that are outside since decades now.  Rusting is nearly impossible on brass.  Rain is normally no problem, only if the rails are flully floaded,  this can cause a short-circuit. It is possible to walk on the rails, but I would absolutely not recommend it.
(2) Is there a limit as to how many rails i plan to use and at what distance , for example if i connect over 100 trucks and at lenghts of over 8 meters straight will a single 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector be enough to keep it all going or will i need anything else or more of these ?

The limitation is the current which the engine of the loco needs. If you want to have a long distance you should add every xy meters a separate connection to the power supply. All electrical laws are also working on an electric garden railway. Each wire and each rail has a resistance, each connection between rails adds another resistance there power is lost.
(3) Are the 4375 transformer and 4372 power connector  ok to use outside? can they be affected by a bit of rain ? do i have any alternatives to use that are ok with light rain and moisture ?

Never use a normal transformator during rain outside!!!! The transformator should always placed in a dry environment!!! The power connector to the rail can be used, it would prefer LGB 50160 or 50161 (please google)
(4) Is the 4369 better to sue outside ?
This is not a transformator, more or less only a manually regulated restistor.

(5) is the 4052 ok to use outside ? of course i wont leave it outsde with rain or for prolongued periods !!!  Yes.

(6) The 4375 transformer i have has two set of connectors , i use one and hte lights get stronger on the 4052 as the speed goes faster . The black / white connectors on the transformer what are they used for ? for light ? do i need to connect anotehr 4372 connector and if do this what happends ? are the lights on all the time or does the train run faster or better in any way ?

Never ever connect two or more transformators at the same time to one rail!!! Only use for each section, which are isolated against each other, one Transformator.
The 4052 is an analog loco, the light always depends on the voltage on the rail. Low voltage = low speed = less light  and vice versa  high voltage = high speed = bright light

(7) are tehre any other tips/points i need to be aware of ?

I guess a lots….., depending on number of locos, additional features, analog or digital,…..

Offline tonguello

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 11:18:07 »
That's great George"!!! but I hope this project won't stand in the way of the completion of the medieval city!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Can't wait to see both of them!
Sorry I have none of the answers you are looking for  :(

EDIT--- oops, schluss had them  :)
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Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 12:30:52 »
Yeap, Schluss is our Playmobil Train Master !!!!  :wow: :wow: :wow:..

So Rainer to understand a bit more about the connectors if i create say a design that is about 24m in total then every 6 meters i need to set a 4372 and hpow is that done? i will have only one 4375 then copnnect the first 4372 , then after say 6 metres how do i connect the second 4372 connector ?  :) :) :) :)

One more question , can i run the 4052 with say a couple of wagons for a total of 1 hours without stopping ?
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Offline schluss

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 15:55:44 »
Yeap, Schluss is our Playmobil Train Master !!!!  :wow: :wow: :wow:..

So Rainer to understand a bit more about the connectors if i create say a design that is about 24m in total then every 6 meters i need to set a 4372 and hpow is that done? i will have only one 4375 then copnnect the first 4372 , then after say 6 metres how do i connect the second 4372 connector ?  :) :) :) :)

One more question , can i run the 4052 with say a couple of wagons for a total of 1 hours without stopping ?

Hi, let´s answer the questions:

1) Ok, seems to be a little complicate to explain in words, even if you are not a native speaker, but I will give it a try:

Imagine: Each track has two rails, these tiny things made out of brass.
             A cable also has 2 wires. 
             A connector 4372 also has two wires, a blue and a red one.

Now take a track and connect the connector, the wires are now connected to the brass, e.g. blue wire to upper brass, red wire to lower brass.

If you are now attaching a second track to the first and applying also a second connector, you have to take care that also the blue wire goes to the upper brass and the red one to the lower brass . This could be done in principal to each and every track.

And now the important thing: Drill all blue wires together and than do the same with all red wires.

If you are now connecting the drilled wires (red = plus/ blue = minus) directly to your transformator, each and every track has a direct connection to the power supply, the transformator.

Now can you expand the tracks in your imagination: Due to the fact that the wires from the connectors are short, you also have to expand these wires and this is done via the cable lying in the ground.

2) Under normal circumstances this should be no problem, It would expect that the limiting factor will no be the loco, your power supply will get hot because the 4052 has two engines and lights and needs sometimes more than 1 A .

So check your power supply/transformator for the maximal possible load.

And maybe have a look at different connectors like LGB 50160/50161, they are making a more reliable connection.

Hope that my answer has clarified both questions.


Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 16:53:02 »
Thanks Schluss , this is all very help full , i got 12 x 1200mm LGB trucks and also 3 more 4372 connectors ( i already have 2) so i am gonna work out how much extra wiring i ned to connect all these 4372 wires each to one wire i guess. i also got  2x 4363 extra wire , dont know how long this is i suppose it might prove handy right ?

Anyways , lots of train questions and train purchases today, i just cant wait when i am on hoiday at the mountain house to set al this up !!!!!  :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline schluss

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 16:59:19 »
Thanks Schluss , this is all very help full , i got 12 x 1200mm LGB trucks and also 3 more 4372 connectors ( i already have 2) so i am gonna work out how much extra wiring i ned to connect all these 4372 wires each to one wire i guess. i also got  2x 4363 extra wire , dont know how long this is i suppose it might prove handy right ?

Anyways , lots of train questions and train purchases today, i just cant wait when i am on hoiday at the mountain house to set al this up !!!!!  :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Hi, please take care that you are using a sufficent diameter for the extra cabling. I am using 2 x 2 x 1,5 mm2.

Always keep in mind: Everything has a resistance.  And every resistance converts power in to heat...You want to have the power on the tracks, nothere else.

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2011, 21:13:59 »
Can I connect two transformners 4375  together or will that blow up things ???
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline schluss

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2011, 21:25:33 »
Can I connect two transformners 4375  together or will that blow up things ???


depending on the way you are going to connect both transformers you are going to kill yourself or blowing up your train......


If your train needs more power, you need a stronger transformator, not two of them.

If you want to use two trafos, you have to divided your tracks into divisions which are isolated against each other.


Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 21:33:09 »
Thanks Schluss , i have placed a bet for a second playmo transformer that i can use in an isolated separate truck ... may i ask and sorry i ask all these questions which is the most, most powerfull transformer i can use with my 4052 playmo train and lGB trucks ????
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight: