which ones do you collect george the ones with non moving hands ,or with the movable?
Both Alex, i have set the Royal ( Nuremberg guard ) in the castle of Krull and some in the city for Krull for the 3444,3445, 3449 and 3447 sets which they guard ( prison and watch tower, barracks, mayor's office, mayor's home to eat and socialise etc etc. In total i have about 120 nuremberg guards .. not enough sire, not enough ... i have vouched to have an army of 500 of them . god itd gopnna take me a lifetime to do this , unless Herr Horst decided to bring them back in the DS.... still happy with the 120 strong royal guard, tbey do look very spectacular and shiny lined up ( with swords and nuremberg shields)
bakc to the topic, this monkey looks really cool , he should be the captain of these 4 nurembergers which look veyr tasy i mujst say ......