Most of the knights have left Winterhaven by now. King Leopold has stayed in Winterhaven longer as there is still much to discuss with King Darnald. Also the ceremony which will make his First Knight, Sir Seamus Flynn, a member of the Crystal Guard was set for the new moon.
That day has finally arrived. The ceremony will take place in the crypts of the castle where the Kings of Winterhaven are buried. After the public burial, the body of Hurdagon, the Crystal Knight, was moved to the crypts, where it still guards the kings of Winterhaven. As the sun sets the sky turns dark and Sir Seamus as escorted to the castle. There he is joined by King Darnald, Crown Prince Tobias and The Crystal Guard. They descent into the lower regions of the castle and finally arrive in the cavernous crypts.
Once there, The King, The Crystal Guard and Sir Seamus Flynn place their swords on the Crystal Knight.
After a moment Sir Shuran, the leader of the Crystal Guard starts speaking.
“Great Hurdagon, today we bring before you Seamus Flynn! He was victorious in the jousting tournament and so proved to be worthy!”
“Sir Seamus Flynn, you stand here before the great Hurdagon, so speak true or speak not. Are you prepared to protect the king with your life, day and night for the rest of your existence?”
Sir Seamus: “Yes!”
Sir Seamus: “King Darnald, will you accept me as your shield, to serve and protect you for the rest of my existence?”
King Darnald: “Yes!”
King Darnald: “In the name of the Crystal Guard, Sir Shuran, do you accept Sir Seamus Flynn as a brother, so he can guard me for the rest of his existence?”
Sir Shuran: “Yes!”
Sir Shuran: “The Vows have been spoken, now it is up to Hurdagon to decide. “
With that the King and the Crystal Guard lift their swords from Hurdagon’s chest and together with the crown prince leave Sir Seamus alone.
His vigil will last 24 hours in which time Hurdagon can decide whether to accept him into the order of the crystal guard or not.
The door to the caverns below the castle is guarded during Sir Seamus’ vigil. Sir Shuran is the one who has the last guard duty of the 24 hours.
As the 24 hours mark has passed, it stays silent for a bit longer. Then Sir Shuran hears someone coming up the steps and the door opens
There stands Sir Seamus, proud but weary after his vigil.
Sir Shuran: “Welcome back, what was Hurdagon’s verdict?”
In answer Sir Seamus presents his sword to Sir Shuran.
The sword sparkles and vibrates slightly.
“I had expected nothing less!” said Sir Shuran “Welcome to the Crystal Guard!” He shook Sir Seamus’ hand heartily. “I will take you to the king at once.”
They walk through the castle, their expressions enough to make passerby’s smile and nod in congratulation, knowing it is not their place to approach them.
Apparently the word through the castle travels fast, because as they enter the throne room, the entire royal family is present.
Sir Shuran: “King Darnald may I present to you, Sir Seamus Flynn, First Knight of Belathre and Crystal Guard of Winterhaven!”
Sir Seamus steps forward and presents his sword to the King. “You accepted my words yesterday and Hurdagon has found me worthy. So I will be your shield, protecting you day and night for the rest of my existence.”
King Darnald: “I welcome you into my service and command you to protect me and mine for the rest of your existence.”
With that Sir Shuran and Sir Seamus stand in front of the King.
After two minutes this part of the ceremony is at an end and the first to rush forward is King Leopold, congratulating Sir Seamus.
After that all others quickly flock to Sir Seamus congratulating him. That evening marks the last night of visit from the Belathrian Royalty . The following morning they are up early, saying their final goodbyes and then finally, they leave for home again.