I LOVE the Victorian theme!
Jenna, you may want to check on Kijiji as well~that's where I got one for my daughter last Christmas....I got a real deal...probably $500-$600 worth of stuff for $125! It was in another town but a friend of a friend picked it up for me....I got not only the mansion but all the furniture, the patio, fence, people, animals, the old car, the street light, the advertising dome thingy, market stuff, plants and all of the tiny accessories too.....then also on Kijiji (in another town) I got the mansion 5305 (its the house) for $50 w/o accessories....my plan is to use the floor on that one to add to the mansion....still have to work on that project

Places like Value Village are great as well....I just acquired a bunch of people, vintage market wagons, crates, and accessories and it all came to $8....
Good luck in adding to your Victorian collection!
PS~ Hi everyone~ Its been a while!