as I wrote above:
The benefit is a more reliable current (power) transmission and therefore less bucking from the locos.
I do not only uses Playmo locos, I also have locos from LGB and Piko, these are all fully digitized.
And when you are using a digitally system every interruption of power leads to problems with light and sound, even if you have several capacitors inside the loco.
hope that clarifies it.
Yes it does, thanks
I could not figure it out if you were using , is analog the correct word ?, the old track power system.
With digital it makes sense as you do not need to keep changing the current on the track. If it was the old system I could not understand how you would change the current if you had multiple power sources
Oh as if the track and trains were not expensive enough, someday I want to upgrade to digital
G scale what a deep dark money pit of love
I should have stuck to N scale that I had as a kid or even went to Z , hmm wait.... I wonder if Z would look like a toy train for playmobil ? What am I thinking