Hi Panos, I'm afraid I'm busy with the Kirkbean Exhibition in the Playmobil world and a lot else at home so I can't contribute a great deal. However, basic skills your firefighters need are:
1. Hose drill - the drills your firefighters can do depend on which sets you
have. I know you have the 4820 and 4821 fire engines, but do you have
the 4825 hydrant set? Let me know, but meanwhile I'll tell you what
drills can be done with the hose you have just with the 4820 and 4821.
A simple exercise is for the firefighters to extend the hose on the hose
reel and operate that (one will need to be operating the pump at the
rear of the 4821). Another one is for them to
do this after joining two lengths of hose together.
With the 4821, the black hose is suction hose and is used for sucking
water from ponds and streams or other open water supplies. The drill is
for the firefighters to position the fire engine near the water supply, fit
the suction hose to the rear pump, fit the strainer to the last length of
suction hose and then drop the strainer end into the water. Other
firefighters, meanwhile, should have connected the white hose (delivery
hose) to the two outlets on the rear pump (or connected the two
lengths together and connected them to one of the outlets
two outlets ) ready for when the pump is started up to pump the water
put of the pond or stream.
Using the 4820 and the 4821, you can do the above exercise but
connect the delivery hose from the 4821 to the
hose from the 4820, after fitting this to the
water monitor in the basket at the top of the ladder and extend the
ladder. This also requires training on the 4821 first..
Because your firefighters are training, there is no need for a fire to put
out, at this stage if they can just get the water quickly and efficiently
through the hose they've got started.
2. Ladder drill - this is important so the ladders can be quickly unshipped
from the fire engine and put to use in firefighting and rescue work. I
don't know if you have any ladders to go with the 4820 (let me know if
you do), so I'll concentrate on the 4821 turntable ladder.
The crew need to learn to extend the outriggers, lower the jacks, turn,
elevate and lower the ladder and extend the ladder and operate the
monitor from the basket or cage. The last they can combine with hose
drill with the 4821 - see above.
That's some basic work to keep them going for a while.