Well, I'm quite pleased with myself. It's been 3 days and I've managed to sort out and bag 57 sets with only a few parts left over! I've sorted them into crates: keeping, selling and not sure. They contain the following:
Sets that I am keeping:
PlaymoDB List - Your Set List Sets I don't want:
PlaymoDB List - Your Set List Ones I am not sure whether to keep or not:
PlaymoDB List - Your Set List Then I believe the people I bought it off must still have a box somewhere because there is a small bag of pieces from the pony ranch, horse drawn cart, there's the corner of the roof and figures from the post office, the stagecoach (3803) but no horses or accessories and the instructions and figures from the roadside cafe but no actual cafe.
I'm happy with it all so now I have to decide about the maybe pile and then wash all of it-it was quite dusty but the people also had 2 cats and I am really allergic to them and I don't want my victorian car to make me ill, I want to be able to put it in my room so I can convince myself it actually belongs to me!