Emma, I love it

very beautiful, as usual. Are you going to eventually add the spanker sail? btw, I think you should go all out on the rigging by adding more lines from the bowsprit up to the loops in the main mast and mizzen mast tops, down to the top spanker yard arm, through the bottom yard arm, and fasten it to the stern. Similarly, if you can add some lines from the ends of the top yard arms of each sail down to the same battens down by the main deck, and then some support lines from the same ends on the top yard arms up to the loops on the top masts.
The way I figure it, your work is so detailed, it would look even more "complete" (from a ship person's point of view) if you added just these few more lines to complete the nautical appearance.
But, it's still a very beautiful sight, even if you don't go all out on the rigging and keep it basic the way playmobil has it. I love it!
p.s. I just realized, even on my own ships, if you do go all out on rigging, it makes it a task to disassemble for shipping. I guess that might be why you are frugal with the rigging. I guess your buyer can add the extra lines later as he/she sees fit. but it just looks so cool with all the lines added IMO