My original plan was just to go to the FunPark, get a couple of items and get some items requested by a PlaymoFriend. And knowing I how get whenever I go to the FunPark, I left all my credit/bank cards at home and only brought enough cash for my purchases. Well, it didn't work the way I intended. My S.O. , lets call him JayBee, suggested stopping by a couple of Tuesday Morning and Stein Mart stores... ugh! I got a couple of clowns(4238), a couple of kings(4663), a couple of "dog circus act" sets(4237), a magician(4667) and the Roman Arena(5837) (they had a second one of those, but the box was open and it was missing ALL the figures, I was willing to buy it at a discounted price, but the clerk said the only person allowed to do that was the manager and she wasn't in today,,, grrrrr!).
So by the time I got to the FunPark I had blown away most of my money... but SURPRISE! They already had the Christmas sets I soooo wanted: 4884 Nativity Manger with Stable, 4885 Nativity Scene, 4892 Christmas Room, 4887 Saint Nicholas and Angel !!!! I was so excited I could spit!
Add 7497 Bride and Groom (making a princess out of her and the Madhatter out of him) and 7272 Suspension Bridge...
There was so much I couldn't get...

But, there's always next time... Here's pic of the booty. More details and reviews on the new sets tomorrow...