There is no outside play area at this FunPark. It is basically a store with a large inside play area.
That's a great shame, I know it gets hot in Florida but surely with shading trees and water features the heat could be moderated? It seems silly to pen the kids up indoors. Is this Fun Park a permanent arrangement, or a pro tempore thing while they build a proper PLaymobil Park?
If the latter, it might excuse the abysmal lack of simple advertising. I searched websites for South Florida attractions, then Palm Beach attractions, and the Fun Park did not appear until I did a specific search on one of the Palm Beach sites, and then it was only a link to Playmobil's Website. Come on Playmobil, it's not rocket science...
I'm put in mind of a line from Herr Brandstätter himself, that "...once a child has got hold of its first pirate it will demand a ship during the next year and so on." So why is there so little effort to get that first klicky into a child's hand? Indeed with the Specials (and blisters) vanishing from the shelves in most department stores toy areas, it's becoming harder than ever to get hold of single klickies.