I agree, and hope they will launch several Asian themes SOON! It is amazing how little we know about folks and life in other countries. That is why we enjoy traveling and observing what people do wherever we are. It would be wonderful if EVERYONE could buy Clickies that look like they do!
Kids in the US spend most of their time on the computer or with video games. Generally they don't study half as many hours as most Asian kids who live in large cities. In the US there are almost enough openings in colleges/universities for anyone who wants to go, so it is just a matter of matching the kid to the school, paying lots of money, and off they go. Asian students have to compete for so few places in college (compared to those in the US) that they can't waste as much time playing games....until they get to college.
My son met his wife at Ocean University in Qingdao, one of the loveliest cities in China. This is a great campus for a summer program. College is the best place to meet a partner according to many people in the know.
She and her family are from Changchun, the Manchurian capital during the Japanese occupation. We enjoyed our visit to her hometown and meeting all of her huge family. Folks from that area tend to be very direct and straight forward making it easier to communicate with them.
And the DNA pooled from the Silk Road traders makes the genetic mix quite interesting. Many of the Manchurians (especially the younger ones) are taller and have lighter hair color and hazel eyes.
So when you talk about Manchurian warriors, it definitely catches my interest. Most of the literature I have read about Chinese dynasties focuses on warfare, so creating Clickies to go to battle seems quite appropriate. And the fellows you create are so cool looking!
Good luck in the D-I-L department. Our family definitely won that lottery! We all adore her! She loves building with L, and will adore PM once she has the chance.