By the way its pulling easy all these wagons. this other chap that hijacked my prev thread on my western train ( i dont mind at all but it wasnt very nice in my opinion but i have taken no offense
) was telling me it cant pull that many wagons, it can and at a speed too at full throttle.
Hello? Why are you so unfriendly?
I did not hijack your thread. And I do not want to be named »this other chap« (we have all names!).
I did a small joke (!), cause you told, you will show some pics and there were no pics for one month (!) after telling. In other forums such threads would be deleted... Then I posted some pics, so that everyone could see something in that text thread. And where is your humour?
And on the same day you posted here some pics. I think, my post speeded you up and that's a good result.
I said not, that the Steaming Mary couldn't pull 7 wagons.
I said: The Steaming Mary can not pull 10 wagons on a slope (like that in my garden) and I said, that the Steaming Mary is not very powerful and PERHAPS (!) could not pull 7 wagons.
But in a flat living room it's another thing...
(...but in future I could keep my know-how/knowledge to myself, if you don't like informations from me...)
Do you want to put it in the garden?