no you give your credic card number and they charge you ...
has the seller contacted you or has he/she been cooperative at all?
yes he contacted me to say that he canseled the transaction ... and will send me a refund , no refund of course until now
you should probably "remember" them about it?
I meant 'remind' them about the issue (damn English language can sometimes be very confusing )you're not suppose to remind them about anything, that's their job, but seeing the situation you should try
i'll try again and see what happens i did contacted a few days ago ... no response ,believe me you have to remind them suddently in ebay i do it all the time now i have an issue with an item from ebay ( i guess not the sellers fault ) i call usps and tell me i have sighned for it and received it... (i didn't get it offcourse ) or they made a mistake ,or something weird is happening here ... i thought the greek post office had bad service here seems worst
never had a problem with USPS was your package insured? maybe you should ask the company who signed, that is very weird indeed
It doesn't matter who signs for it as long as someone does.