I'm starting a thread just for pictures of my Playmobil collection. I've been trying to get it all photographed, but it's taking such a long time. I've decided to go ahead and post the pictures I have so far. I'll add more as time allows, and as I acquire new sets. Some themes I actually attempted to set-up. Other times I was too lazy to bother, and just took pictures of the boxes. Some of the boxes are still unopened, not because I want them to remain so, but because I haven't gotten around to opening them yet! (This is rare, as most smaller sets don't survive the car ride home!)
The family car 3139. I bought this set used on ebay.

I actually bought two of the 5918 cabin, plus extra bunkbeds, canoes and some other stuff. Thought it might come in handy.

The micro sets:

More to follow.