A blow torch would be a more permanent defeat!
I'm not inviting you over to play after I set up my zoo, for sure!
Hmmmmm, we don't want to hurt any Klicky's just blow them into a big useless pile after George has spent weekend after weekend setting them up at his Playmoden.
Oh the humanity! I am glad my Medieval collection only takes a little over an hour to set up.
When i was you age WoT my mediaval collection was about 1/2 of yours, I am afraid in 20 years time you weill suffer with the same problems we face now !!!!
When WOT will come to our age George maybe he has a wife that she will keep his collection in minimal numbers!!!!!!!! or none klicky!!!!!!!!.Live your life in the edge and charge your batteries because you will need them later my friend and leave us in peace !!:lol: