The only job that would take me out of this country would be to work for playmobil ...
(Then again, what would a guy like me do there, this is another matter
Anyway, "Advice for Geobra"?
They should come up with at least two lines of toys:
Historic and KIDs. (Maybe even three .. Historic, KIDs & Girls (or "normal lifestyle", including marriage, dollhouse, school & firefighters & police, which is more boys-like .. anyway, you get the thing).
Playmobil has great potential for really doing historical toy/collectible. Not that children wouldn't like/want/play with historical line, but adults (usually) don't like kids' playmo so much, but we enjoy deeply the realistic aspect of the toy, and, as we aren't main target, there's no way we can have our wishes fulfilled
(Not only in lines, but even in catalogue style. For example, I'd love to see the Historic Section of the site with the lines grouped chronologically ...)
For instance, playmobil almost produced Renaissance playmo
(see attachments), but never actually made it
With a Historic line, this would be attended. (Not to talk about what have been discontinued, Vikings, Romans, Victorian (originally "1900", that never produced, for example, an airplane
The original 1900 collection was made in pink boxes, aiming to reach girls, but there could be two kinds of "dollhouse", a pink girly one, and a blue box Historic 1900 collection, and they would even complete each other, in a way, however would be done for different publics, and, obviously, with different features, being the Historic more turned to miniature accuracy, and not, and all aspects of life, not only dollhouse (but, for example, old style firefighters, police, &c -- that would of course be complementary to whomever would play with that period -- and not only, because when you play, you don't care about periods, vide the Series of Unfortunate Events movie, based on the book series ...).
Also, this might open ways to take Steck System back and invest in medieval miniature castles & life, making new connectors to allow different shapes for the castle, &c, &c ...
These are a few ideas.