Author Topic: The chronicles of Mittland Part 03 Time of the wolves  (Read 27271 times)

Offline Vauban

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You find the first part here .

Chapter I.

On the escape before the myrmidons of the highestlord ARTRAC Arn, the wolf man, as well as HADOR, JURAS and LILIAN had hidden themselves in Talsend in a cellar impact. In a risky rescue mission the three companions had released Arn from the dungeon cell of the garrison. Originally LILIAN and the two men were came to the dungeon in order to release the young RAS to release, which ARTRACS guys had pressed to the war service. But when they penetrated into the dungeon, they found only the old ARN, which was captured one week ago by the hands of the dragon soldiers.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 11:14:56 by Vauban »

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 11:06:29 »
Arn had told his savers, that RAS had been exhausted from the soldiers and brought to ARTRAC. RAS was in reality TURAS, the youngest son king JURONS of Mittland. Now the wolf man submitted the plan of the rebels to his fate comrades to terminate ARTRAC's fright rule. „Several weeks ago it succeeded to me to contact again with TA' AHIR, the queen of the forest people" he began. „Also the queen has heard of the rumors over ARTRAC's secret weapon. One whispers that ARTRAC holds the breath of the dragons in his hands.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 11:07:00 »
„Our spies experienced that it concerns thereby a powder. This powder makes it for him possible to shoot heavy projectiles from pipes. It is, as if fire would fall of the sky. With these new weapons he wants to fight the mountain fortresses. ARTRAC trained many of his most faithful soldiers at these cannons. Some of our people have observed it. The effect of this weapon is devastating.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 11:07:31 »
„TA' AHIR is likewise concerned on extreme one about this development. She doubts that the magic thorn barrier, which encloses her realm Arboria can withstand an attack from this weapon. Thus she agrees an alliance against ARTRAC. Friends from the resistance could achieve a similar success with the tribes of the Wild country. Also the tribes are ready to support our fight.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 11:08:00 »
„After TREMOR had continued to push the tribes ever after the south, the nomades have overcome their quarrels among themselves and united under the guidance of their oldest one, the blind OREJAN. Even if his eyes are blind, then they say that he can see into the hearts of humans and no bad cunning can deceive him. The nomades trusts his judgement, and as soon as they elected their warrior prince, they will fight at our site in the battle.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 11:08:25 »
„When TRACANSIS and his father are making war with the Mountain realm, our own armed forces will collect themselves with those of our allies, and we will fall the dragons into the back. Thus ARTRAC will be captured between two lines“, terminated ARN his explanations. „Your armed forces? From JON we experienced that the resistance against ARTRAC consists only of few old men“, LILIAN answered ARN's remarks.

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 11:08:56 »
„This Jon erred. The resistance consists in the meantime of several hundred trained warriors. We hope that the population will assist us in the fight. Also the many soldiers pressed into the service will only halfheartedly support ARTRAC in this fight. “„Nevertheless which are this several hundreds against an armed force, which counts to the thousands, rather still to the ten thousands? “ This objection came from JURAS, once knight at king JURON's yard.

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 11:09:23 »
„We may not give up the hope“, ARN swore in his listeners on the plan. He wandered jerkily in the small area. „Such a possibility won't be offered so fast any longer. I ask you from whole hearts to support our thing.“ „We will stand naturally at your side “, HADOR answered. „Only so we can do also something for TURAS.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 11:10:17 »
The hatch of their hiding place was opened, and a bright ray of light removed the dark twilight of their hiding place. A man looked down to them, and he spoke, „the soldiers scanned the house. They found nothing, and so they went away. To our luck they were not particularly thorough. You can come upward.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The chronicles of Mittland Part 02 Time of the wolves
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 11:10:49 »
The four conspirators rose quickly upward. „We must leave as fast as possible the town. In addition we need four horses, with wich we can travel in a hurry“, ARN said. „Three horses wait in the small forest before the town for us“, HADOR answered him. „I can procure you a fourth“, their host added. „I will bring you tonight by the gate. The night watchman is on our side. He lost his son and his right hand in the dragon wars. For a long time he supports us in the secret one. “