Nice color scheme, shame they went from two courses of sails back to one, and shame about the giant skull and crossed cutlasses on the Mainsail. No Pirates ever had that in real life (that I know of), nor would it suit their purposes.
Pirates rarely operated big ships like this, they didn't work for their tactics. They were too slow, difficult to manoeuvre, difficult to hide, and difficult to maintain. Only a country with great resources to draw on could operate these big warships. Pirates liked smaller vessels which they would pack with men, sweep in to close quarters (often under false colors), possibly a combined attack on both flanks, and board a victim doing as little damage as possible to the prize in the process. They liked to threaten, not fight. That way they captured the maximum booty with minimum casualties. If possible they'd persuade the crew to join them, and as most crew were serving against their will it wasn't all that difficult. Then they'd steal the cargo, or take the ship too to sell it and the cargo.
This ship could be excellent if Playmobil provided DS packs of sails and flags for different nations - Spanish, British, French and Dutch, a DS pack of generic sailors (so they could sail under any flag), and DS packs of officers (Captain, Lieutenant, Mate) for each nation. Then we could dress up the ship for service in any navy, and have some real battles. As long as every ship in the pirate theme is dressed in pirate colors, they have nobody to attack.
How about something new for the Pirate theme, a merchant ship (I use the 3050/3053/3550) so the Pirates have someone to capture, and a Navy ship (Spanish, British, French and Dutch flags included) to come and try to recapture the merchant and fight the pirates? How about some historical accuracy combined with greater imagination, rather than just another variation on a gigantic pirate ship? How much do the design department get paid for rehashing the same old idea year after year after year?
Oh, and what's that big gold medallion hanging on the stern rail supposed to be?