So you are telling us that anyone from klickywelt can quote and link something from here to there, as tonguello and bonniebeth have already told you, without permission, just because it is public, whereas one cannot quote or link from Klickywelt to other forums because you require to be logged in? Seriously?
Please don't mix up Copyright and technical conditions.
You can also put (computer-) rights to the forum Playmofriends, so that no one can read texts without login.
And: Linking is possible in both directions, but the Playmofriends Users can't use this link without login at Klickywelt (it useless for most of us here).
Quoting is another thing: Texts here are open to read, but they are also not public (-> Copyright). If someone will take a photo or information/text to another forum, he has to ask to get permission.