Hadoque, in my opinion you have done nothing wrong! You told us the source of your information and, without repeating anyone else's statements, you merely repeated a list of set numbers and names (which you possibly also translated into English?) Despite the disclaimer that zugpferdchen mentions, klickywelt is an internet web site that anyone in the world can read. To say that one cannot repeat information that is posted there is like saying that you cannot discuss a news story posted on the website of a newspaper or magazine. Ridiculous!
I find this quite puzzling, as I have seen on klickywelt a link to a topic here with pictures I posted announcing new US exclusives.... I don't mind this AT ALL, but it's strange to think that they would mind if the situation were reversed.
so if I understand correctly, WE CAN'T quote them or use any of their info but THEY CAN use ours, link us or copy us without permission??? mmm they are lovely.
One thing is the technical problem (here it is open, in KW it is closed)
Sorry I don't get that... what is open and what is closed? In klickywelt all is locked up in a vault and here in playmofriends we have everything open up in the public? is that what you mean?
And who is »they«? One thing is the technical problem (here it is open, in KW it is closed)Copyright in both directions, I think: If someone wants to post infos/pictures from here, he has to ask the author.
No one asked my permission before linking to my thread.
I agree, you cited your source. I don't see the issue. I mean isn't that taking things just a little too seriously? What is wrong with information exchange??? Isn't all of this in good fun?