hi , i will post tonight customs with tampongraphie and answer all the question , theses body are made by Albator 33 in france (i've no time to write this afternoon) , i stop communication with the seller of tampongraphie in france for other reason and i cannot help anybody to get some in here . Sure it's a great job , a sticker will become yellow with the time and it's very clean !! be carrefull : some have bad ink and i lost money to buy scratch body with some .
i called playmobil on that subject : as a collector you can do what you want with playmobil parts .
The problem if you sell some is that the ink can be dangerous for childreens and if there's a problem one day with that playmobil with consider his image is in danger and will plaint agains't the seller .Of course if you copy playmobil design , it's another problem , you make false wich is illegal !
For the marketing service in france a childreen can easilly take this for a toy because he know playmobil and they should protect their toy regard the law.
As you know the law is different on each country and is not always what want the marketing service even i understand the fact they want to protect and control their products .
As well for the custom made with painting (playmobil don't want that !) , you can do what you want regards the french law but if you sell some , you must be responsable and tell it's for adult and not for kids and if you're unlucky and a child have a problem , you will have probably playmobil lawyer again't you ...
Playmobil have money to protect his toys and if they do a process (even they lose ) , you will have to pay a lawyer as well and it can cost you money , that's why some seller of tampongraphie don't want their job appear on ebay for exemple .
The person i have on the telephone as me why people sell customs to earn few euro , i answer i had to buy kg to get rare piece and can keep all theses playmobils !! (i have 5000 playmobils and think i'm a good customer for geobra ...)
I respect the child and morality and that's why i agree with the fact to not make things who should heurt childreens (blood for exemple) , maybe i'm seem to be far from the subject but it's the same thing with doing politic with customs : geobra do a "us army want you " (i was the first doing that) and r unglick in his book show a cheguevara of someone else but attaque this person for a french president in custom ...
My opinion , it's very subjectiv , if customers can help playmobil to have ideas or to show it's a great toys with nice customs , it's free marketing for them , if they consider it's not good marketing for us , it's different ... if we made philosophie , the knights was violent , guns are violent and child play violence ... (better to play what they cannot do in reel for a psy !!)