There are plenty of other toy companies that make military tanks and vehicles in correct scale that could be adapted for playmobil use. The Klickes could be painted or you could even make the camo Klicky with out painting. There is even enough of the adventure Klickies that would look military enough with their stock colors and prints.
What I find odd is that a company that says they are avoiding violence there sure is a lot of violent element to many themes.
Unfortunately it would not sell but I would like to see the historic themes lack of civilians filled in by DS. They touched on it briefly with the families but those were more of upper-class. We need a lot, total understatement, more normal civilians that always make up the majority of any civilization. What good is it to have so many, captains with no crew, chiefs and few Indians, Romans with no peasants, Knights & Royals with no servants, etc...........