NUREMBERG GUARDS Also, more steck houses just like the new bakery coming out, tents for jousting tournamnets in different colours ( this is already mentioned ), an air ballon - 17th century ( ok not a DS part more lilke a proper set but still woudl love to see one and i think it would sell etc ), western cannons, green or blue coats , need an opponents army / ds klickies to oppose the redcoats and the new english army , french i reckon ideally and in blue to be more historically accurate ... also mediaval city people , farmers etc etc with their sabos and lovely mediaval hats and equipment. In addition , many animals as mentioned before , the oak standard large tree and the oak tree with hide out these are superb trees !!!!!!! Also i agree with the previous idea of new steck items , after all steck in playmobil terms as you may have noticed is God for me
Really good topic and really grand ideas so far, i am so happy DS is workign in greece and 1500 items are on their way to me , really happy i will buy woindmills, water tanks, bakeries , wine barrels , oldtimer cars for much less tnan ebay prices , its all really good just please please pleeeeeeeeeease bring back Nuremberg guards so i can get rid of this annoying signature here after all !!!!