I think they were ahead of their time with producing the wildebeests. Not too many people had heard of wildebeests back then. probably the only reason they did them was because they had already been in Lion King. But they get so much more publicity now, a lot of documentaries showing the massive migrations, plus they've been in a lot more kids movies since, so I think if they brought them back now, especially if they were printed, they would be a lot more popular.
What? Gnu/wildebeest only known because of their television and film appearances? I'd be rolling on the floor laughing if I hadn't thought you were serious, Bonnie. I'll put it down to your age (and the fact that I've never seen Lion King)!! Anyway, bring 'em all back, I say. Every animal that Playmobil has produced. Beats me why they discontinue certain things which are totally timeless such as certain animals, some of the Christmas stuff, and a vital "house on fire". Likewise the railway stuff, although I suppose there has to be a cost consideration there (and a consideration of space in the purchaser's home). I can understand why some children may be less interested in Romans or Egyptians, or Mediaeval themes, as certainly in the UK most of those topics are not covered in schools for the age groups that Playmobil is aimed at (well, here they are touched on but they are normally secondary school subjects). Pirates will always be timeless because of Peter Pan, and somehow little boys latch on to knights too (probably because a lot of princes are knights). Knights are usually seen as hereoes, and all little boys want to save the day somehow.
It will be very interesting to see the result of the poll as not only will it produce a list of what we want to see brought back, it will also be a good reflection of our collecting habits and interests.
PS Bonnie, if you've never heard it, try and track down the song "I'm a Gnu" by Flanders & Swann. Likewise the Hippopotamus Song but you probably do know that.