Hey! It's been a while since I haven't posted some knight customs. I must say I'm a bit busy with another (computer) project so I haven't used Photoshop for a while. But! I took some time to print a few more designs and make the figures and horse coats (which is, by far, the longest and trickiest part of the process).
To start with, here's the München Knight:

Now, a rider from the Teutonic Knights Order:

Then, I wanted a caparison for the Wolf clan that would fit ont the 2nd generation horses:

Actually, I made two!

On Grangel's request, I made this caparison for that lonely knight from set #3137, who has a nice heraldry. I was so happy with the result, I made one for myself! Soory Angelo, but since you're not showing yours...here's my version:

That's it!
Gotta get back to
work Photoshop now!