i just read that fastly .
in time , i can understand playmobil want to limit the number of piece in the ds (20 in france) , lot's of people don't know we can find small parts direct with playmobil , playmo db is a "secret information" for a lot of people who abuse of this situation , this information is money particulary on ebay . I understand as well geobra want to control his product , it's legitime ! of course commercial attitude and the laws (different in all country) is a different thing .
Of course i also think playmobil could ask you to write it's not for selling the parts if you want 200 soldiers .
the price of things : in france price are free , it mean you are free to buy or not buy , there's no thieves , i will never buy an old car alone ... we had to take information before buying !! i remember (a true) story : in france a man has solt the "tour effel" !! (of course it was not his tower but the customer was a bit artless -naif- )
i don't know where the parts of theses seller (you talk about) comes from (my seller say he buy a lot and break the playmo) but i understand it's more expensive because when for exemple i need a red collar of a french soldier (i use pay that 0,50E) i don't have to buy the piece i don't want and so i don't have to sell the exedent to get only one piece witch is not in the ds ... (better for me than bying a lot of french soldiers ) , maybe it's difficult for them to sell all the figure and they stay with part people don't want (same problem sometimes for customs sellers ) in france only one seller sell parts witch are not in the ds and he sell a lot !!! (belt , collar for exemple)
all country are not the same for the ds ,in germany you can have more things so of course some people abuse of this situation to make a bit money (it cannot be million dollars !!) i sell customs and want to stop as soon as possible (for other reasons) : i think i would have never sell someting if i can get all the pieces i want !! of course like a lot of collectors i sometimes have to buy 50 playmobils to keep 3 for me because it's the only way to get them !!
there's one thing strange i don't understand : playmobil do a custom set for childreen (soon in germany ) , what about the fact selling custom is a problem for security reasons for childreens ? does it mean we can get only arms for exemple in the ds ? what about the "small parts " for little kids ? this is not very logical ...
so my message to playmobil : if collectors could find what they want in all the country , if we had all the same product in the same time and if everybody would be able to get all parts in the official site of playmobil : there would be no problems like this !!! as well for speculation : i'm sure they could easilly made some hussards , some english guards and i'm always glad to see we can in time get 1900 barriere , and theses famous western set because i'm patient ... (not in france now , maybe i should buy an old car in germany more expensive that i see in the german novelty and give a bit money to a seller in ebay.de : all work need to be pay and i've no friends in germany so ... ) ah if all customs can cost 4E !!!! just my opinion .....
i cannot find the post on klickywelt (german is near impossible to translate for me ) have you got a link ? thanks for this information !