Playmofriends Those of you who have followed my project of "Summer Garden Party on Regent St" are already aware of the amazing response of my Friends from the online Playmo communities accross the world who have said YES to participate to the project by creating a unique character to fit in the colorful and numerous cast !
I must admit that when I first drawn the shape of the future grand gardens on sheets of A3 paper I would never have dreamed that one day, I would receive creations from some of the most creative and talented members of our Community.
Thanks to the wonderful idea of our Friend Tonguello ( Gaston ) who first offered to create a character to join my happy little Victorians in their summer adventures on Regent St, I have received over the past three months parcels from countries as diverse as Argentina, USA, Greece, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and of course England.
In each of these parcels, were little characters lovingly packaged accompanied by a little hand written note from my Friends and this is for me, nothing short of magical and I would like to thank them all from the bottom of my heart
I have created this thread as a THANK YOU to those who have created these wonderful characters and a reminder of who is who as far as Summer Garden Party on Regent St is concerned.
The Cast & Guest Stars of Summer Garden Party on Regent StMilady de Winter created by our Friend Gis from the Netherlands ( Playmofriends )The evil and deadly seductress from Alexandre Dumas novel "The Three Musketeers" is being played by Eleanora Duse, the most famous Italian actress of her time and archrival of Sarah Bernhardt. Her beauty was legendary and so was her appetite for men and fashion. She was simply known as "Duse"