I'd like to thank Richard and the other guys in the pilot group for making this possible!
Yes, I saw the pet shop! I wish that pic were a little clearer so we could see details. I was just saying the other day that a pet shop would be cool. And I've thought of doing a pet adoption day set-up, this may have some useful parts in it for that.
WOW...these are great!!!! THE GREAT BARREL for just 3.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Finally I can get one for my beer-craving playmobil
This is good news! But, is there an easy way to get the mugs? As I hope my klickies will practice a bit of decorum, and refrain from drinking directly from the tap!
wow!!!!! I didn't see the barrel but all the rest they said it would be IS there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you zookeeper!!!!
I tried ordering them...the mugs....from DS...They are available and cost just a few pennies for one.Yet what I want most is the foam for the mugs.......they are discontinued from DS