I have taken a couple of days before writing this post as I wanted to be sure of what I wanted to say as my opinion won't be popular....
I believe that the PCC pilot group have done us a dis-service by requesting the re-issue of some of the chosen items. I am pleased to see the 1900's car in a new colour and the beer keg making a reappearance but not the windmill, water tower or bakery.
I have all the re-issued pieces MIB, but am not worried for the value of my collection as I believe that MIB collectors will still pay good money for the boxes and klickies that will not be included in the re-issue versions.
My concern is that it will only be collectors who will ever buy these pieces.....for example someone with an old western diorama but who couldn't or wouldn't pay £75+ for a windmill. Given that the western theme, and especially the western train, were retired so long ago, many of the children currently looking for extras on DS just will not be interested in either item. The same is true for the bakery building as children are more likely to buy the modern system-x version also available on DS. As a collector, I may have bought them in a new colour, but not as a simple re-issue of what I already have.
An idea would have been to ask for another vehicle, possibly the 4223 estate car, to have been produced in a different colour. Therefore, collectors could have bought it to add to their collection, but also the rest of the public may have bought it as transport to take a PLaymo family to the zoo for example. As collectors, we could have raised our profile with Geobra by highlighting that we can come up with commercial ideas which will benefit them and us. Instead I believe, that by asking them to re-issue pieces which may not have broad appeal, we have highlighted to them that that may not be the case.
Just my two cents worth,