It looks like it might be a sticker - if so, and if you have to apply it yourself, you could just cut it in half. If not a sticker, you could possibly cover the word "ecoliers" with a piece of electrician's tape.
If it is printed I though of making a custom yellow sticker to cover the whole thing up and print the words in a bigger font.
If it is a sticker then yes I will cut it and order a spare.
I do not know why but for some reason when I read the word "ecoliers" I think of a bus load of kids contaminated with the bacteria Escherichia coli headed for the take along hospital

I just really do hope this is made in Germany and not China like the Fugly Fire Truck, please Geobra do not make the same mistake twice, you know better

or at least learn from your mistakes and demand the Chinese to make it with much higher standards