Here's the story of St Martin
St. Martin was born in Southern Hungary about the year 320 A.D. He came of a good class family, but they were pagans. As a young man Martin heard of Christianity and was favourable towards it. At the age of eighteen he enrolled in the Roman Army, and quickly rose to the rank of Tribune or Legion Commander. On a bitterly cold winter's day he was riding at the head of his troops through the gate of Amiens, when he was accosted by a beggar clad only in rags, and shivering with the cold, who asked Martin for food or money. Having nothing to offer, Martin removed his large red military cloak, drew his sword and cut the cloak in half. Having given half to the beggar, he wrapped the other half about his own shoulders and went on his way.
At night, Martin had a vision in which he saw Our Lord with the angels in heaven and wearing the half cloak which he had given to the beggar. Our Lord said to the angels, "See, Martin has given this unto Me".
This was the turning point in Martin's life. He soon left the Army and studied under St. Hilarv. He was baptised, entered a monastery, was then ordained and was soon known for his good works. In 370 he was consecrated Bishop of Tours. He passed to the higher life in November, 401, at Candes, at the age of eighty. His last prayer was: "Lord, if I am still necessary to the people, I would not draw back from the work". With much ceremony he was laid to rest at Tours. St. Martin's Day is kept on November 11th