with the new space theme coming out.
.. A futuristic theme yes it is BUT not a space theme , there are no spaceships, no deep space probes or vehicles etc , all these sets are ground and atmospheric only, no space or whatsover. I really think playmobil got it so right with the Plaympspace series in the early 80s, and they enjoyed a big sucess they were around for over a decade. Thn these horrid looking spaceships came out lokking like GI Joe and MAsters of the Universe spaceships with the system x building blocks makign the space station a very weird lokking set, and then the aliens which looked interesting but lacked a proper base and spaceship, seemed to me they were an incomplete set/ job from the start. And now those ugly avatar like robots and stations , a new theme not space but literally grounded that lacks originality and character if you ask me . Much better were the exploration sets of the Plaympospace with the space vehicles ( 4 sizes incl a space station !!! ) and the ground research vehicles and robots , twice as good and educational as these ugly new sets !!! Shame really the values that Playmobil space sets had ( exploration, unity astronaurts of different coloured uniforms workign together ) are no longer there and playmobil looks more and more like some chinese cheap toys ... Playmobil should have created more realistic spaceships with hybergenic sleep chambers, AI computers, robots , antennas , smaller spaceships , un manned exploration probs and then an alien race with features of a civilisation like their own art and dwellings, own design spaceships and language /symbols and create really the sets for a peacful ' First contact' . I am really dissapointed with these avatar like sets, avatar is old news already and i doubt these sets will last more than a season the most .....