Why do you all hate Lady Gaga?
Short list:
- ALWAYS on the radio- ¿Every get a tune stuck in your head? Try having it stuck in your EAR;
- Not nearly as good as she thinks she is;
- Sticking her nose where it (multiple expletives) don’t (multiple expletives) belong;
- Annoying;
- Meat dress.
It’s not “just” the music (though it partly is), it’s the “total package.”
for one moment i thought i was going to be the only Gaga hater on this forum, i just didn't say it that way
Same here- Except I said it that way.
EDIT: Upon consideration, I will judge the piece only on it’s TECHNICAL merits.
Her technical merits (I mean “her” the piece, not “her” the creator) are superb. Potentially professional quality. (Not quite EmmaJ’s, but well above anything
I can do.)
It is, therefore, “a nice piece.”