The Koreans never maintained more than 60,000 troops while Hideyoshi had 500,000 battle-hardened Samurai-wars soldiers..
Korean soldiers were disorganized, ill-trained and ill-equipped...
Japanese muskets were superior to Korean bows, plus their ferocious charges gave them superiority on land
A Korean military official named Shi-eon Lee reported to his Korean king;
"..Korean soldiers cower before the enemy and flee for their lives even before they have engaged the enemy....the Japanese advance so rapidly that they appear right in front of the Koreans, enough time for Koreans to shoot only two arrows....but too scared to shoot when the enemy is near because they fear Japanese is possible for Koreans to draw swords and hold their ground, however, they seldom do this and merely run for their lives."
However the Koreans triumphed at sea and sent them packing...(thats another long story if I ever get to making Turtle Boats...massive, yet swift, ramming/cannon ships fitted with iron spikes and an iron-plated deck)