Author Topic: Police Motorcycles: a brief history  (Read 15594 times)

Offline Wolf Knight

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Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« on: March 26, 2011, 21:38:35 »
After Primus Pilus's thread on his motorsycles, and since I wanted to do this for a long time now, here is a brief timeline of the playmobil police motorbikes.

In the 1st attachment we see the very first police bike at the left hand side, as we are looking at the picture. This specific bike cames from the 3488 - Traffic Police and was also available in 3155x - Police Truck which was an exclusive set; this bike can also be found in sets 3232 - Police Set and 3401 - Policemen. Now, you'll notice that the bikes on the playmodb/collectobil pictures are blue, whereas in the collector sets, the bikes are green, probably a difference to distinguish the markets in which these sets were available, however, I have never come across such a blue bike. The first bike was also available in 3572 - Polizist/Motorrad where an extra white windshield was placed.

For the middle bike still at the first attachment, this was the second edition playmobil bike and can be found in sets 3494 - Police Set (one of my personal favourites  :love: ) and 3564x - Policeman on Motorcycle (Green).

The third bike is the one I grew up with mostly, produced in 1987/88 and can be found in 3564 - Policeman On Motorcycle (Blue) and 3489 - Police Set. This one was also used between 2001/06 in 3623 - Adventure - Police 2* and has been recently reissued in 5891 - Police Duo Carrying Case.

On to the second attachment, I believe we have all the variations of the police bike regarding this mold! The green german bike 3983 - Highway Patrol, and its export versions 3986 - Police Motorcycle and 3915 - Police Motorcycle. This bike was also used in 5795 - Police Set with Jail. The black bike that I believe is a US exclusive  3332 - Police Cycle - U.S. and also available in 5013 - Police Station. Last but not leat, the red and blue striped bike from 5917 - Take-Along Police Station.

Finally, in the third attachment, the latest police bike 4262 - Police Motorbike internat. and the german version 4261 - Motorradpolizist.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 22:34:44 »
Now you've made me go get my camera. :D
This is an area I get all geeky about myself. There are a few other variations you've missed.

In this image you see the dirt bike from the first case carry set. 4218 - Police Carrying Case
Then you see the early white version with green tank. Then the green version with white tank and the white panel from 3572.
Then you see the first glass windshield in both the German and International versions.
There are actually two versions of the Harley style bike - the one from 3623 is a slightly darker blue on the screen and has the only non-white police officer to date.

There is an additional variation of the cruiser bike seen in this image.

The second one is the blue with yellow stripes version from 5795 - Police Set with Jail that was released in Canada first and then very limited in the US.
I do not have the latest version from the carry along set yet.

Finally notice that the German version of the newest bike is silver while the International version is white.

I haven't ever found that very first version with a blue tank either.  There is a version with all blue body and a white tank and a red body and white tank. I have them but not on display just now. They are from an early racing? set, and there's a yellow one from the early postal set. I'm drifting off police here. :D

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 22:53:13 »
Thanks for covering the lapses Tim  :)9!  I had totaly forgotten about that dirt bike! :eh?:

Whats the difference between the fourth and fifth bikes?  ???

Never knew about the darker blue shade on the Harley nor the yellow stripes on that other bike either! Thanks!  :D

I love how all the latest german versions vehicles have the actuall grey colour of the actual german police vehicles! Very nice touch!

There is a version with all blue body and a white tank and a red body and white tank. I have them but not on display just now. They are from an early racing? set, and there's a yellow one from the early postal set. I'm drifting off police here. :D

Well, there is an all white one from the old color series, the yellow you just said in 3231 - Post an all red one in 3565 - Motorrad/Rennfahrer and 3434 - Esso Gas Station but don't know about the blue body/white tank... yes we have drifted off police bikes  :lol: :lol:

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 22:55:37 »
WOW :(o):! Thank you both for this informative topic :thanks:! It's great to see this evolution through time with these variations :)9!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline flatcat

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 23:02:44 »
Amazing! :o :o :o

So many variations! 8} 8} 8}

Although I have 1 more that both of you are missing ;) - I'l photograph it tommorow :)

Damo :)

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2011, 23:07:07 »
Whats the difference between the fourth and fifth bikes?  ???

Polizei - Police on the windscreens

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 23:25:47 »
Polizei - Police on the windscreens

Now you guys are just plain showing off! :lol:
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline PrimusPilus

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2011, 00:36:32 »
Now I have a good pictorial to see what I want and what I'm missing! My first bike was the first one of all, though here it was blue. It still at my folks house, but is in terrible shape :(. In fact, we're going for lunch there tomorrow and I'll take another look at it, to see if it's salvageable. If I could bring it back from the dead, I'll go after a modern klicky to ride it.

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2011, 07:27:13 »
Polizei - Police on the windscreens

Oh, Right... I was looking at the gas tank and colour, when the differece is so obvious  :lol:

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Re: Police Motorcycles: a brief history
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2011, 08:41:21 »
Thanks for the over view, Panos.  The bike from the take-along set looks very smart with the red and blue stripes, something I hadn't noticed before.
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