Happy happy day!!!!
My cousin had this western house (and a few other klickies and items which I will show you later)! We used to spend many hours playing with her playmobil, although they were few in number but we used to mix these playmobil with other toys as well! Last weekend my aunt cleared a small storage room they have at their house and she found these playmobil! More importantly, she found the western house!!!
She called me imidiatelly to tell me she is keeping it for me to collect!!! and today, its my niece's birthday, my cousin's daughter who is also my goddaughter. So I payed them a visit! I gave a
http://playmodb.org/cgi-bin/showinv.pl?setnum=4195 as a present to my goddaugter's older sister and once the little ones went to bed, me and my cousin sat on the floor and opened the box with the old toys!
After assembling the western house (my cousin was so surprised that I knew how to put it together so quickly and that I even remembered that the railing was broken and other details) I just couldn't take it. ''Its your memories'' I told her, ''I can't take them away.'' She said ''its your memories as well, you'll look them after better, I had them piled up in a boxed locked away for so long! Its better that you have it!''
So here it is!!! The so much rare 3421 western house!!! it has a broken railing, but hey thats a memory! And the hinges at the back are also broken but these are easy to find on ebay!! When I'll find some more space in here, I'l get another display cabinet and put it inside and put a little note next to it refering to my cousin!